More Key Cap and Stalk options. (no cutting required)
We've been attentively listening to all the feedback from everyone.We have two new options for the physical setup of your Pointing Stick (Trackpoint) which eliminate the need to cut any key caps.First, wolfwood, who you may recognize as an active member of the ergo keyboard community, has designed a beautiful 3D printable version of Pseudoku's well-known Chicago Steno keycaps. What's special about wolfwood's design is that it has built-in cutouts for the Pointing Stick's nub. You can use both FDM and Resin for printing, and I’ve heard that SLA is also a viable option.Take a look at his design here:...
No Soldering Required, Screw and Glue, Kits Coming Soon
We're listening to all the feedback from everyone! It turns out that lots of keyboard geeks don't solder and we're working on helping out with that! The tiny details aren't worked out but we're updating the kit to have an option to have everything pre-soldered. This new option will use the LowproKB's Choc Sunset at first. All you'll need to do is, well, "screw and glue" the parts together. If you find soldering unnerving or just don't have the equipment, this update will take care of that. It isn't quite a fully assembled kit because there are still options you...
Black kits are available, again! Sunset key switches too.

And... right on cue, Black kits are available again. These are the Revision 1 PCBs. The changes are minor but all came from suggestions from users like you! The build docs have been greatly enhanced. As with almost any large project, documentation is a tough but important step. We've built quite a few keyboards over the years and feel that our combination of video and the new text/picture documentation rank up there with the best. The listing for the Sunset key switches is now active. You can purchase a set of Sunsets for your Santoku. You can also order extra...
What's going on??? Logistics!!! (oh, and Sunset Key Switches!)
The new PCBs work great! Let's start with the best parts! We've assembled a kit from scratch including the new Rev 1 PCBs and everything works great! This Revision is just refinements. The fundamentals of the keyboard are the same but we're continuing to take in all the really great feedback from current users. Yeah, ok. So when will Black boards be available again? (just a few more days) So, yeah. There's a reason people make a career out of logistics! We're preparing kits as this is typed. But there's an order of micro switches holding things up. We had a decision to...
Quick Update. Rev 1 PCBs are here.
The Rev 1 PCBs are here! I am building a complete Rev 1 kit from the beginning to verify all changes work together and there aren't any surprises. I am also using this as an opportunity to take lots and lots of pictures of the build process for written build documentation. The videos were very well received but enough people expressed a desire for written that it's time to make that happen. Speaking of logistics (insert segue), while the PCBs are here, I'm still waiting on a few components. I do have a healthy supply of components on hand for...