May 1st: Black Kits are currently in stock; however, shipping is temporarily halted due to illness. We will resume as soon as we can guarantee speedy shipping. Please email with any questions.
May 1st: Black Kits are currently in stock; however, shipping is temporarily halted due to illness. We will resume as soon as we can guarantee speedy shipping. Please email with any questions.
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Quick Update. Rev 1 PCBs are here.

The Rev 1 PCBs are here! I am building a complete Rev 1 kit from the beginning to verify all changes work together and there aren't any surprises.

I am also using this as an opportunity to take lots and lots of pictures of the build process for written build documentation. The videos were very well received but enough people expressed a desire for written that it's time to make that happen.

Speaking of logistics (insert segue), while the PCBs are here, I'm still waiting on a few components. I do have a healthy supply of components on hand for complete kits, but some  surplus items I hoped for still haven't arrived. The sticky part here is getting ahead of Chinese New Year. Hopefully, that will be a seamless transition from your perspective but I wanted to put it out there just in case...

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns do not hesitate to contact me and let me know! Numerous ways to get in touch are in the Links section at the bottom of every page.

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